Just a Hackysack and Bird trying to make about tree fitty and leave the world a little bit more interesting than they found it.

  • Emily from Boo Boo Lake, Oregon.

    "These two are actual idiots."

  • A-aron from Castle Danger, Minnesota.

    "Look, they swore over and over again that they weren't the loch ness monster. That alone made me pretty suspicious, it made me think that maybe they were actually, in fact, quite possibly... the loch ness monster. I got a copy of Elden Ring for about three fifty though, so I'm not asking any questions."

  • Pedro Pascal

    This is just a picture of Pedro Pascal, he has never bought anything from us for three fitty. But you gotta have goals. So yeah, we are going to get three fitty from him, and a genuine honest review on a product. We know Pedro Pascal reads and likes things, there has to be something here he would buy. This text will be replaced with his review when we get it.

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